Manju Jois till Stockholm!

Manju Jois kommer för att hålla en veckas workshop i Stockholm i Augusti. Så spännande!

Vi är så fantastiskt glada att få vara med att bjuda in Manju Jois till Stockholm i år. Det blir mysoreklasser, teacher training med fokus på Yogaterapi, pranayama, chanting och möjligheter att ställa frågor till Manju, den nu levande som längst praktiserat Ashtangayoga i världen.

Både Camilla och Johan kommer vara med och assistera under veckan.

Lite information om kursen på engelska: 

Manju Jois is dedicated to his mission of training teachers in the ancient style of yoga, which combined the asanas, pranayamas, and peace chants for a mind body spirit unification.

We are looking forward to welcome Manju to Sweden once again in 2017 and to learn from his deep knowledge in an intensive, inspiring and humorous way.

These trainings will present the Ashtanga Yoga Series and Traditions in their purest form, providing a rare and privileged opportunity for beginners and experienced practitioners alike to learn from the eldest son of Sri K. Patthabi Jois.

Teachers Training ”Yoga Therapy” The workshop is for everyone with an fully established Ashtanga Yoga practice, that wishes to deepen the knowledge for teaching or for personal growth. We will in this training learn how to adapt the practice to heal the body and mind as well as deepen our understanding about the postures and sequencing. 


9th-13th of August. Wednesday-Saturaday.  

Daily schedule: Mysore style class, Yoga therapy,adjustments, pranayama, chanting, discussion.

Costs Teachers training: 6500 SEK

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Skrivet av:
Johan Silver
Yogalärare & Ayurvedisk rådgivare